Trusted Domain

Web SDK works with an iframe structure that handles user authentication and returns session identification number on successful verification. Before using the Web-SDK, customers should whitelist their site's domain by creating a web app and registering their domain as a "trusted domain" on VerifyKit Dashboard.


Before each authentication, developers should get a unique and one-time authentication token in order to initialize sdk script. By sending the request in example to the "/access-token" endpoint of API domain, you can get the token value that you will use to integrate necessary iframe for Web-SDK.

Step 1: Fetch Token

curl --request GET 'https://api.verifykit.com/v1.0/access-token'  --header 'X-Vfk-Server-Key: YOUR-SERVER-KEY'  --header 'X-Vfk-Forwarded-For: END-USER-IP-ADDRESS'  --header 'Content-Type: application/json'

Iframe Integration

After successfully fetching the token string from "/access-token" response, it is needed to implement the VerifyKit iframe into your website in order to initialize Web-SDK.

There are two query parameters for the script source when requesting script.js from our widget domain.

lang Language of the website. Default value is 'en' (English). You can set the language of the Web-SDK screens. This parameter is not required.

token String that is received from "/access-token" request. This parameter is required.

Step 2: Iframe Integration

<div id="verifykit_iframe"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://widget.verifykit.com/v3.0/script.js?lang={languageShortCode}&token={token}"></script>


After inserting the code block above, a callback method (cbMethod) should be created on the parent page which should use the sessionId parameter that the identification value will be assigned when the verification successfully completes. This parameter should be stored and will be used to fetch client detail from backend to backend api request.

After including the given code and creating the callback method, "initVerifyKit(cbMethod)" method can be assigned to any login mechanism website owner prefers. initVerifyKit method will initialize the iframe and set the callback method to the listener of the verification process.

When user successfully authenticates with VerifyKit, user defined cbMethod will be triggered within the sdk scripts, running the intended business flow after the successful verification.

Step 3: Initialize and fetch session id

let cbMethod = function(){
 console.log('Session id : ' + sessionId);

Backend Integration

When the verification is complete, in order to get information of the verified user, you should integrate with VerifyKit Rest API. After receiving the sessionID variable from the Web SDK, you can fetch your client's data, such as phone numbers , from VerifyKit Rest API service.

This integration requires a ServerKey token that is unique to your application in VerifyKit and used as both an identifier and a security measure. For this reason, you have to use your ServerKey token in backend integration. You can not use ServerKey on your client-side.

For further info on how to integrate this part please click here.

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Last updated